All students except Nursery applying for admission are required to sit far an Evaluation Test which comprises a written examination followed by an interview of the candidate.Candidate must have an acceptable knowledge of the subject appropriate for the class in which he/she desires admission.Admission is made strictly on the performance of the candidate in the Evaluation Test and not on the basis of marks obtained elshere.
(I) At the time of admission the following documents are required.
(a)Admission form duly completed.
(b)2 passport-size Photographs of the child.
(c)One copy of the child's birth certificate.
(II) Class-wise age group will be as follows:
Class Age
Nursery 3+
LKG 4 OR 4+
UKG 5 OR 5+
I 6 OR 6+
II 7 OR 7+
III 8 OR 9+
IV 9 OR 9+
(III) Students who fail to pass at the end of the year but are within the age group may be required to repeat the class or leave the school.NO conditional promotion will be given.
Readmission could be done if the seat is available on the permission of the Principal.In that case re-admission fee will have to be deposited,plus all dues if any.
(i) If a parent wants to withdraw his/her ward from the school he/she must give an application to the principal one month in advance one month's fees will be charged in lieu thereof.
(ii) Those who leave the school in May must pay the fees for June as well.
(i) All fees are to be deposited bimonthly in advance.All fees must be cleared between 1st and 15th of the month.(ii) Fees will only be accepted on all working days between the 1st and 15th of the first Bi-monthly without any late fine.Example : July/Aug. will have to be paid latest by 15th July/Aug.
(iii) Late fee deposit fine of the Rs.30/- will be charged with the fee month up to 25th of the month.
(iv) Arrears of the fee of the last month will be accepted up to 15th of the next month with a fine of Rs.50/-only.
(v) If any one installment of fees is pending i.e 1/2 months then the students name will automatically be struck off the rolls.
(vi) Any child who has any dues at the time of any Terminal or Final Examination will not be allowed to sit at the Examination until the due is cleared.
(vii) Fee once paid will not be refunded.
(viii) Fees and other charges are subject to Revision as per decision of the management.
Download Admission form of ARPS